Useful material

This page contains resources on energy efficiency for shareholders and residents.

Guidance for housing company residents

Motiva has compiled energy efficiency advice for housing company residents on its website (in Finnish).

Energiatehokkaan asumisen avaimet (Keys to energy-efficient living – a shareholder’s guide.)

HSY has produced an energy efficiency guide for residents and shareholders. You can open and download the shareholder guide in PDF format on the HSY website. You can also order printed versions of the guide, other material and information leaflets from HSY free of charge, even to every unit in your building. View other material on HSY’s energy advice website (opens in a new tab).

HSY’s online courses

HSY has developed many free, high-quality courses – both online and in-person – that are suitable for shareholders, residents, and tenants. Check out the popular online courses on HSY’s website. The service includes courses such as Housing Company Energy Expert, Tenant Energy Expert, Climate Training, Solar Electricity and many other excellent courses.